Brottskod 11 played at Härden, Gothenburg.
Bands like this almost never come visit my hometown these days.
But there are some explanations for that too, sadly.
This band might not bring the biggest crowds. (is it only me or??)
But they sure deserve to be seen, and enjoyed.
Personally I see the total awesomeness and power this band brings.
(Please Swedala, Närke, Norrland, wherever, fucking bring it!)
They rule, because they know what to do on stage, and if the stage wont fit the whole band. Fuck that, they fucking bring it.. At least they have me sold.
The venue was almost empty, but they totally rocked the fuck out.
That means so much to me. So much spirit this kind of bands bring.
I hope i will see more of them in the future. Perhaps on a festival somewhere.
Until i see you again.. Peace