click picture above, go to our old myspace.

torsdag 21 mars 2013

Mob 47 in Falun (swe)

Yes, i was shredding at this show.
Super tight/small venue packed with raw-punks. Legends, oldies, friends, young ones and freaks.
3 bands and super grand night! I was able to make some phone-photos in between moshing.
crazy night.

Insane Society

I just got this package i ordered from Insane Society.
My first ever international order.
They have so much stuff in stock i want, it's crazy!
This order went so well and i am more than happy with it.
I will for sure get some more stuff from Insane Society!

I Highly recomend these guys, i am more than happy to be thier costumer.

1. Totalitär t-shirt "allting är på Låtsas"
2. Pisschrist t-shirt "Deny Fight Protest Survive"
3. Skitsystem t-shirt "Stigmata"
4. Skitsystem backpatck - "Stigmata"
5. Warcollapse patch
6. Doom Patch

torsdag 7 mars 2013

The news is..

Unfortunately we have decided to put the band Stop the Insanity on "ice".
Because we can't do anything without our drummer, who's not able to be on our sessions.
its been this way for a while and because we dont care for suggestions about putting in another drummer we rather do nothing at all until our drummer (Pierre) is able to join us again.

but here is our latest uploaded song.
"Pennybridge" is the common foreign name for our hometown Örebro.
its about the town itself, and our try to put the place on the map.
we simply don't care much for where others are from or where we or others choose to live.
Örebro town is where we have grown and it will always be a special place in our hearts.

måndag 4 mars 2013

New song!

Still this is a live recording from our rehearsal room, but the latest we have recorded. 
however, we have some more recordings that will put on youtube in the near future. all same guys, same kind of recordings..